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Global Education Student Assesment Tools Inventory


"Globalizing" education and our classrooms is essentially about building opportunities for students to think critically and engage with the world, and their role in it, into our daily practices as educators.


Global education means helping students to develop skills that will help them participate in the world as global citizens. In addition to the skills of using technology and communication, lessons and units that focus on global issues are one way to do this to facilitate students seeing themselves as members of a global community. There are also many nuanced ways to help students open up their mind in order to better understand the world around them, to ask questions about the ways that people and power structures are presented, and to be reflective about their own actions in these contexts. 


The links below provide resources to help teachers think about the many ways classrooms can be sites of 'globalized' education:



Education for Global Citizenship: A Guide for Schools

Oxfam created this useful chart that outlines the various elements that a globalized curriculum can include. This is a straightforward tool that breaks down the key concepts by age level so teachers can appropriately judge age appropriate goals for helping students to develop a social awareness and global consciousness.

Global Education Checklist

A useful resource produced by the The American Forum for Global Education to help schools identify ways in which they are preparing students to be "Global Citizens" and where there are areas for growth.

Asia Society's 'Educating for Global Competencies'

This resource I found particualrly useful in breaking down what global competencies are and how to help students build them. I particularly like the graphic on page 12.

Assessing Global Learning: Matching Good Intentions with Good Practice

This publication includes some useful tools, including sample templates and a learning assessment matrix (page 14) that can be useful in planning.


Additionally, beginning on page 23, there is also a survey that could be taken by staff and students to help self-assess regarding global competencies and perspectives.

Global Awareness Rubric

Useful rubric from Duke University to assess studnets' global conciousness and skill development.

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